Tips On How To Have A Dialogue With God

By Harriett Crosby

As a Christian, you are going to experience that constant urge to get closer and closer to your God. If you have this hunger, there are some ideas to help you get nearer to your creator. Explored in this article are some nuggets on how to have a dialogue with God.

For those who really want to draw into the presence of their Maker, prayer will be a powerful tool. It is the best way to converse directly to the Supreme Creator. We all suffer periods of prayer difficulties. The best way to ensure that you pray constantly is by drawing a prayer journal.

When indulging in your prayers, be honest to God and yourself. Do not be boastful or proud. In fact, you should accept yourself as a hopeless sinner who has been freely ransomed by Christ. Do not pray for just small things because the Lord is the possessor of all things. Seemingly little things like asking for guidance and wisdom should be taken into account.

Confessing your sins to the Everlasting One is relieving and fulfilling. Those who do not accept that they are sinful are the chief of sinners. The Creator will not accept your prayers until you accept yourself as a sinner. Only them shall He pardon your transgressions and treat you as a child.

Seek the guidance of mature Christians. They have been into the journey for a great deal of time and well comprehend the challenges you are going through. You must not engage them physically but can also watch sermons on the televisions, on the Internet, as well as reading both published and online articles about Christian maturity.

Your thoughts are always linked to be Chief Architect who made and controls them. There is nothing more rewarding than imagining yourself walking side by side with your loving Creator wherever you go. If you do this, you are going to find yourself in constant connection to your Lord. The best place to worship and recognize your Savior is in your mind. Your metal awareness of the Supreme Being ensures that you remain always imbued by the Holy Spirit and hence remain constantly aware of his omnipresence.

Make use of your church minister. Make use of him as your Christian parent. Let him help you conquer inability to pray, lack of faith, and your failure to consistently read the Holy Word. As a young Christian, many Biblical accounts may prove rather tricky to understand. Since your spiritual leader has widely read the scripture, they are the right persons to help you understand the Bible better. The problem with many young people today is that they do not actively engage their spiritual guardians in a frank and honest manner. This is why they conclude by saying salvation is impossible and that faith in God is impractical.

Ultimately, the Bible is the profoundest resource to any Christian who wants to further their connection to their Creator. You cannot hope to understand Him without paying attention to his written word. Many scholars have rightfully referred to the word of God as his own mind. They could not be more accurate. The Supreme Being tells us that he is always the same; unchanging through the fluctuating times and bearing true is eternal promises. To have a dialogue with God, reading the Bible is a must and praying for the divine understanding of the scripture the only way to really understand who our awesome Architect is.

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