New York City Neck Pain Alleviated Naturally With Chiropractic Techniques

By Earnestine Clinger

About two-thirds of people experience neck pain at some time in their adult life. Some cases are persistent and debilitating. Medications can help to dull the symptoms, but do not address the underlying problem. A New York City chiropractor effectively relieves chronic neck pain with gentle manual adjustments.

Neck pain is a common problem for people whose jobs involve sitting at a desk or behind the wheel of a car. Hunching or slouching increases pressure on structures within the spine and may cause upper cervical vertebrae to become misaligned. A sore neck can also result from prolonged muscle contraction due to emotional stress. Other possible causes include slipped discs, pinched nerves, strained ligaments or osteoarthritis.

Symptoms may vary depending on the specific neck disorder. Neck motion can be limited and discomfort may intensify when turning the head. Pain may radiate out to the shoulders or upward to trigger headaches. Trapped nerves in the neck can cause numbness and tingling in the arm or weakness in the hand.

At the New York City clinic, patients with neck problems are thoroughly assessed. After reviewing their medical history and symptoms, the chiropractor performs a physical examination. She then conducts a variety of orthopedic and neurological tests. X-rays or MRI scans are used to confirm suspected abnormalities of the cervical spine.

Specific hands-on chiropractic techniques can successfully resolve the majority of neck disorders. Upper cervical vertebrae are restored to optimal alignment, releasing constricted nerve fibers. Mobilization procedures relieve neck stiffness and restore range of motion. Deep tissue massage soothes tense muscles and calms spasms.

After the root causes of the pain has been corrected, the New York City chiropractor assists patients to make a full recovery. They are taught simple exercises to strengthen neck muscles and restore flexibility. They are also advised on ways to maintain good posture and prevent problems from recurring.

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