While most people associate TMJ with popping or clicking of the jaw or difficulty opening the mouth, it can also cause headaches. Misalignment of this joint, which allows an individual to open or close his mouth can also cause pain at the base of the patient's neck, surround the eyes and in the temples. A Knox County chiropractic office offers help.
The jaw is a hinge joint connecting a person's mandible or jaw bone to his skull. This joint is surrounded by sixty-eight pairs of muscles to enable the individual to swallow, yawn, speak and chew. Approximately one-third of the population experience dislocation of their articular disc or TMJ.
Without help, the condition often grows worse. Every time the sufferer opens or closes the mouth, additional wear is created on the joint tissues. In addition to the noise, it can cause pain when opening or closing the mouth. A chiropractor can help to determine the severity of the condition.
TMJ can have many different causes. Missing or misaligned teeth can force the bone from a normal position. Vehicular accidents and falls may result in problems with the joint. Whiplash can also affect the joint and lead to TMJ dysfunction.
Since the body functions as a whole, a problem in the jaw can result in pain elsewhere in the body. Some sufferers experience ear pain similar to that caused by a severe ear infection. Others may experience headaches that go away when their TMJ is corrected.
The doctor at a Knox County chiropractic office provides a thorough exam to determine the underlying cause of one's problem. Therapy can be provided without use of surgery or medication. The doctor emphasizes rehabilitation of joints to restore the intended motion, preventing headaches and other pain.
The jaw is a hinge joint connecting a person's mandible or jaw bone to his skull. This joint is surrounded by sixty-eight pairs of muscles to enable the individual to swallow, yawn, speak and chew. Approximately one-third of the population experience dislocation of their articular disc or TMJ.
Without help, the condition often grows worse. Every time the sufferer opens or closes the mouth, additional wear is created on the joint tissues. In addition to the noise, it can cause pain when opening or closing the mouth. A chiropractor can help to determine the severity of the condition.
TMJ can have many different causes. Missing or misaligned teeth can force the bone from a normal position. Vehicular accidents and falls may result in problems with the joint. Whiplash can also affect the joint and lead to TMJ dysfunction.
Since the body functions as a whole, a problem in the jaw can result in pain elsewhere in the body. Some sufferers experience ear pain similar to that caused by a severe ear infection. Others may experience headaches that go away when their TMJ is corrected.
The doctor at a Knox County chiropractic office provides a thorough exam to determine the underlying cause of one's problem. Therapy can be provided without use of surgery or medication. The doctor emphasizes rehabilitation of joints to restore the intended motion, preventing headaches and other pain.
About the Author:
Find a summary of the advantages you get when you consult a professional at a Knox County chiropractic office and more information about a reputable chiropractor at http://www.doctorhayden.com now.
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