The Law Of Success

By Harold C. Rehm

School is definitely one of the very first places where you get to experience how the law of success works. After all, in order to succeed in school, you really do have to take certain actions and maintain a certain attitude. For those who are still in school or are planning to go back, here then are some tips on using the success law to your advantage:Succeed in School through Studying.Yes, this sounds absolutely silly judging by how obvious it is, but it really does bear repeating: if you want to make it to the top of your class, you have to study AND study hard. The law of success truly rewards good old fashioned hard work and discipline, so don't try to skirt those nights when you really need to hit the books. And remember that studying isn't just about reading and memorizing. It's about understanding what you've been reading and memorizing. Exercise your brain as you read and you'll be able to recall essential details for class and exams much easier.

Preparing the Field.For the farmer to reap a harvest, he cannot simply scatter seeds in a field. The field must be plowed, fertilized, and otherwise prepared before the seed is planted. For some crops, these may take years of preparation; as Stephen Covey points out in his book, "The Eight Habit", a potato farmer must prepare his field for two years prior to planting. People must be prepared for success the same way. They need to have the weeds of negative thinking cleared away. They must be prepared for the planting by learning the attitude of expectation of success. A person must be fertilized with thoughts of abundance so that the seed has food to grow.

Planting the Seed.The farmer plants the seed of the crop he wishes to harvest. He does not plant corn seed to get a harvest of wheat. So, too, a person must plant the seeds of what he wishes to gain. This is where goal setting comes into the process. The person needs to decide what his goals are, and then create a plan for reaching those goals, so that he can plant the right seed for the desired harvest of success. A person wishing financial success must plant financial seeds, whether these be investments made or skills learned. The person must understand how the seeds being planted will grow to the desired harvest.

Do not will or act first, rather seek God. Sit quietly, calm your senses and release your thoughts. An exact focus will allow God's intention to reach you. When you discern God's will act in accordance with it. Fulfill you dominant purpose - your role in this life.Success is measured by happiness. "Existence becomes futile if you cannot find happiness. When wealth is lost, you have lost little; when health is lost, you have lost something of more consequence; but when peace of mind is lost, you have lost the highest treasure." And peace of mind is the result of aligning your purpose to divine will. Happiness depends chiefly on your mental attitude. Determine to be happy.Think, will, and act guided by divine spirit. The power is yours, use it to attain health, happiness and peace. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Understand and apply the law of success to live a full and fulfilling life.GOD wanted every individual to succeed. Its the Lord's intent that person should become fantastic. It is God's will that man should not only advantage, but enjoy with every pleasant thing in the universe. The law of success and the universal laws of God present human being the whole thing.

Harvesting at the Right Time.The farmer needs to gather in the crop when the time is right. He cannot do it too early, or the crop will not be useful; he cannot do it too late, or the crop will destroy itself in the field. A person working towards success needs to realize when the opportunities arise so that the efforts planted can be realized at the right time. Hesitation can cause the opportunity to rot away; the attempt to reach the absolute maximum can cause the right time to slip by. Act when your subconscious says to act; by listening to the small voice within you, you will know when the harvest time has occurred. The farmer doesn't wait until the absolute peak ripeness occurs; he harvests the crop just before then, so that the ripeness will occur when the harvest is delivered. So, too, a person needs to act just before the maximum results, so that the results can mature during the act of harvesting. Particularly when it comes to investments, it is better to get 95% of the profit by acting early than to get 80% of the profit by acting too late.

The Most Subtle of the Laws.There are several laws of success, but the Law of the Farm is perhaps the most subtle. Just as a farmer gets better at raising crops as the years go by, so too a person gets better at using this law as he works it. Of all the laws, this one gets better the more you use it.Have you ever heard of The Secret and The Law Of Attraction? Most likely your answer would be Yes.

Better faculties, improved abilities, expanded insight, and greater power are dormant in all, and by special mental methods, these exceptional elements can be developed to an extraordinary scale for tangible and practical use. Any thinker can acquire greatness. Its basically a issue of KNOWING HOW. Accurate self-discovery, and the correct teaching in using one's faculties and making use one's abilities will expand anyone. Practice will cover efficiency; use will create forth results. Achievement, as a result, is within the reach of any eager individual.

The Law Of Obedience.The Law of Obedience says all the Laws work in their own ways and they can't be changed, regardless of what we want and believe in and notwithstanding whether we agree or not. When we are aware of the Laws and we respect them, then we can act in alignment with them. By doing so, we attract the things we desire into our lives. Be obedient to the laws of the universe. Work with them, don't try to change them. Instead, change yourself.

Whatever your existing circumstances or condition may be, there's a better and a bigger expectation in store for you, but you are required to prepare yourself for it. You cannot climb into the better and greater things unless you DO SOMETHING on it. Study, plan, and work are all required. The young and the older alike are entitled to enhance.The young and the elderly alike are allowed to advance. To be honest to yourself and to the universal laws which guides you, law of success is purely moving, for advancement. It is the Universal Law's goal that you shall move ahead. You can still keep, and you can reverse, in this manner hindering your natural process for a while, conceivably as long as a life time (usually it doesn't require that much), on the contrary in the end you will be compelled to move forward, especially in the path of soul's increase.

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