The Importance Of A Pill Straw In Swallowing Pills

By Rosella Campbell

This straw helps do away with the difficulty experienced by many people when swallowing drugs, prescriptions, medications, food supplements or vitamins that are in form of pills. It has a unique design that incorporates similar actions that occur not only in the mouth but also in the throat when taking food or having a liquid drink. By utilizing the simple elements, the pill straw has managed to transform the once difficult task of having medicine into a trouble free anxiety free experience.

Research conducted by individuals and medical experts has affirmed that these tubes are simple to use for both old and young, consistent, reliable and can be washed.

The first step in swallowing a pill using this tube is to get the pills ready. This is going to be an extremely stress free process so relax. The size of the straw used is purely pegged on the size of the pills.

Get water in a glass. The temperature of the liquid is within discretion of the person.

Put the pill on any part of your tongue. Slurp or simply take a huge sip of water and automatically the sip will be gone. The liquid from the straw suspends the pill in the mouth as it is swallowed thus eliminating or reducing chocking or gagging. Individuals can however decide to use their own unique ways so long as the medication with utmost ease.

Taking the medication by use of a straw simplifies the process in the following ways; ones head remains level when swallowing, the medication is held in some form of shelf In preparation for swallowing to take place, The start of sucking stimulates or triggers the swallowing reflex avoiding a gag response or any chocking. More significantly, the suspension of pill in the liquid reduces or eliminates the after taste completely.

The challenges experienced in swallowing can have far reaching consequences on the health of a person suffering from an illness especially if one skips medication thus disrupting the prescription schedule. Research reveals that an overwhelming 40%of American citizens have experienced tremendous challenges swallowing pills. Of these, up to 14% delayed taking medication while another 4% where totally unable to proceed with the medication . 8% took the medication inconsistently. ALL these cases are said to have greatly affected the effectiveness of the medication.

Children are the number one victims of these difficulties. To them taking pills is totally alien since most of their drugs are administered in liquid form. However as they come to realize later, use of pills is inevitable as they can be taken at any time even when travelling, there is certainty on the dosage and they do not require to be kept in refrigerators.

Therefore parent are bound to teach their children gradually how to swallow pills. The best time for this is when the child is in good health since most sick kinds do not form particularly good students. Parents might have to be patient and maintain a positive attitude. This is because some children have not been able to swallow pills until they are in their late teenage age. The straw used in swallowing pills has greatly simplified the tasks of parents in teaching kinds the art of pill swallowing.

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